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Stamen, Microsporangium and Pollen Grain
This is a heading introducing the topic of the following text: stamen, microsporangium, and pollen grain. These are all structures involved in plant reproduction.
Line 2-4: Figure 2.2a shows the two parts of a typical stamen – the long and slender stalk called the filament, and the terminal generally bilobed structure called the anther. The proximal end of the filament is attached to the thalamus or the petal of the flower. The number and length of stamens are variable in flowers of different species.
Explanation: This describes the parts of a stamen (refer to Figure 2.2a if available). It has two main parts: Filament: Imagine a thin thread-like stalk that holds up the anther. Anther: This is the sac-like structure at the tip of the filament, responsible for producing pollen grains. Bilobed: This means the anther has two lobes or sections. Proximal end: This refers to the end of the filament closer to the flower base (where it attaches). Thalamus: The central part of a flower where floral parts like stamens arise. The text mentions that the number and size of stamens can vary greatly between different flowering plants.
If you were to collect a stamen each from ten flowers (each from different species) and arrange them on a slide, you would be able to appreciate the large variation in size seen in nature.
Explanation: This is a thought experiment to highlight the diversity of stamen size and shape. Imagine collecting stamens from ten different flowers and comparing them under a special microscope (dissecting microscope) that allows for magnified observation. You’d see a wide range of shapes and how they attach to the flower.
A typical angiosperm anther is bilobed and having two theca, i.e., they are dithecous.
Explanation: This describes the typical structure of an anther in flowering plants (angiosperms). Think of it as a sac with two lobes, and within anther, there are chambers covered by wall called theca. A groove often runs along the anther, separating these chambers. You might refer to Figure 2.2b for illustration (if available).
Let us understand the various types of tissues and their organisation in the transverse section of anther.
This introduces the next section which will discuss the different tissues within an anther in detail. It refers to a specific figure (Figure 2.3a) that might illustrate this structure.
The bilobed nature of anther is very distinct in the transverse section of the anther.
Explanation: This describes what you’d see in a cross-section of an anther. You’d clearly see the two lobes and four microsporangia (pollen sacs) – two in each lobe. These microsporangia run along the entire length of the anther and eventually get filled with pollen grains. Imagine a box-like structure (tetragonal) with four compartments (microsporangia) at the corners.
Line 19-23: Structure of microsporangium: In a transverse section, a typical microsporangium appears near circular in outline. It is generally surrounded by four wall layers (Figure 2.3 b)– the epidermis, endothecium, middle layers and the tapetum. The outer three wall layers perform the function of protection and help in dehiscence of anther to release the pollen. The innermost wall layer is the tapetum. It nourishes the developing pollen grains. Cells of the tapetum possess dense cytoplasm and generally have more than one nucleus. Can you think of how tapetal cells could become bi-nucleate?
Explanation: This dives into the structure of an individual microsporangium. It’s roughly circular and has four wall layers surrounding it. Refer to Figure 2.3b (if available) for a visual representation. Epidermis: Imagine the outer skin-like layer protecting the microsporangium. Endothecium: This layer plays a role in the anther opening up (dehiscence) to release pollen. Middle layers: These layers provide additional support and protection. Tapetum: This innermost layer nourishes the developing pollen grains. Tapetal cells have dense cytoplasm (the active cellular material) and often have more than one nucleus (binucleate). The text prompts you to consider how these cells might achieve this binucleate state (an interesting topic for further exploration).
Line 24-27: When the anther is young, a group of compactly arranged homogenous cells called the sporogenous tissue occupies the centre of each microsporangium. Microsporogenesis : As the anther develops, the cells of the sporogenous tissue undergo meiotic divisions to form microspore tetrads. What would be the ploidy of the cells of the tetrad?
Explanation: This introduces the sporogenous tissue. It’s a group of cells in the center of each microsporangium that are responsible for producing pollen grains. Microsporogenesis: This is the process by which pollen grains are formed. It involves meiotic division of the sporogenous tissue cells as the anther matures. Meiosis is a cell division process that halves the chromosome number. The text asks you to consider the ploidy (number of chromosome sets) of the cells within a microspore tetrad (formed through meiosis). Since meiosis halves the chromosome number, the cells in the tetrad would be haploid (one set of chromosomes).
Line 28-31: Each one is a potential pollen or microspore mother cell. The process of formation of microspores from a pollen mother cell (PMC) through meiosis is called microsporogenesis.
Explanation: This clarifies the role of the sporogenous tissue. Each cell within this tissue has the potential to become a pollen mother cell (PMC). Microsporogenesis: This term is re-emphasized as the process by which meiosis transforms PMCs into microspores (immature pollen grains).
The microspores, as they are formed, are arranged in a cluster of four cells–the microspore tetrad.
Explanation: This describes the outcome of microsporogenesis. The meiotic division results in groups of four microspores, each called a microspore tetrad. You might refer to Figure 2.3a for illustration (if available).
As the anthers mature and dehydrate, the microspores dissociate from each other and develop into pollen grains.
Explanation: This explains what happens to the microspore tetrads. As the anther matures and dries out (dehydrates), the individual microspores separate and mature into pollen grains. Refer to Figure 2.3b (if available) for a possible visual comparison between microspores and pollen grains.
Inside each microsporangium several thousands of microspores or pollen grains are formed that are released with the dehiscence of anther.
Explanation: This summarizes the final stage. Thousands of microspores/pollen grains are produced within each microsporangium. When the anther opens up (dehiscence), these pollen grains are released for pollination. You might refer to Figure 2.3c for illustration (if available).
Line 39: Pollen grain
This introduces pollen grains as the male reproductive units in flowering plants. Gametophytes are haploid (one set of chromosomes) multicellular structures that produce gametes (sperm cells in this case).
Line 40-44: If you touch the opened anthers of Hibiscus or any other flower you would find deposition of yellowish powdery pollen grains on your fingers. Sprinkle these grains on a drop of water taken on a glass slide and observe under a microscope. You will really be amazed at the variety of architecture – sizes, shapes, colours, designs – seen on the pollen grains from different species (Figure 2.4).
This is a fun activity suggestion. By touching open anthers (pollen sacs) of a flower like Hibiscus, you can collect pollen grains. Observing these grains under a microscope with a water droplet reveals the incredible diversity in their size, shape, color, and surface design across different plant species.
Line 45-47: Pollen grains are generally spherical measuring about 25-50 micrometers in diameter. It has a prominent two-layered wall.
This describes the general shape and wall structure of a pollen grain. They are typically spherical, with a diameter ranging from 25 to 50 micrometers (µm, one-millionth of a meter). The wall has two distinct layers.
Line 48-53: The hard outer layer called the exine is made up of sporopollenin which is one of the most resistant organic material known. It can withstand high temperatures and strong acids and alkali. No enzyme that degrades sporopollenin is so far known. Pollen grain exine has prominent apertures called germ pores where sporopollenin is absent. Pollen grains are wellpreserved as fossils because of the presence of sporopollenin. The exine exhibits a fascinating array of patterns and designs. Why do you think the exine should be hard? What is the function of germ pore?
This focuses on the outer wall layer, the exine. It’s a tough layer composed of sporopollenin, an incredibly resistant organic material. This resilience allows the exine to withstand harsh environments like high temperatures, strong acids, and alkalis. No known enzyme can break down sporopollenin. The text prompts you to consider why the exine might be hard (protection during dispersal is a likely reason). Additionally, the exine has openings called germ pores where sporopollenin is absent. These pores are crucial for pollen germination, allowing the pollen tube to emerge during fertilization. The exine also displays a fascinating variety of patterns and designs on its surface
Line 54: The inner wall of the pollen grain is called the intine. It is a thin and continuous layer made up of cellulose and pectin.
This describes the inner wall layer, the intine. It’s a thin, continuous layer composed of cellulose and pectin, both common plant cell wall components.
Line 55: Cytoplasm of Pollen Grain
This introduces the cytoplasm, the jelly-like substance within the pollen grain containing various cellular components. The cytoplasm is enclosed by the plasma membrane, a selective barrier controlling what enters and leaves the cell.
Line 56-60: When the pollen grain is mature it contains two cells, the vegetative cell and generative cell (Figure 2.5b). The vegetative cell is bigger, has abundant food reserve and a large irregularly shaped nucleus
This describes the cells found in a mature pollen grain. There are two main cell types: Vegetative cell and Generative cell. The vegetative cell stores abundant food reserves to nourish the developing sperm cells.
Line 61-63: The generative cell is small and floats in the cytoplasm of the vegetative cell. It is spindle shaped with dense cytoplasm and a nucleus.
This describes the other cell type: Generative cell. It is smaller and spindle-shaped, with dense cytoplasm (active cellular material) and a single nucleus.
Line 64-66: In over 60 per cent of angiosperms, pollen grains are shed at this 2-celled stage.
This highlights the process of pollen grain release. In over 60% of flowering plants (angiosperms), pollen grains are released from the anther at the 2-celled stage (vegetative and generative cell). In the remaining species, the generative cell divides within the pollen grain before release, resulting in a 3-celled stage with two formed sperm cells.