Morphology - Families - Malvaceae-Asteraceae-Poaceae
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Category: Morphology - Family
1. Indefinite stamens are characteristic of family
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2. When the filaments are fused into a tube and anthers are free the condition is called as
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3. Monocarpellary condition is one of the striking features of :
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4. A crop plant which can grow well even in nitrogen deficient soil is
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5. Scientific name of Sunflower is
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6. Syngenesious anthers and epipetalous stamens are found in
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7. Bicarpellary ovary with parietal placentation is found in :
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8. In fabaceae, one of the following immediately encloses the essential organs
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9. "Stamens usually 5; filaments distinct, adnate to corolla tube, anthers usually connate"This condition is known as .........and Found in Family .......
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10. Which statement is wrong for compositae
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11. In Mangifera indica the fruit is a
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12. Okra belongs to family
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13. In family Gramineae, the inflorescence is
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14. Family of wheat –
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15. Carpels 2, connate; ovary inferior, basal placentation, Ovule 1, per a characteristic of
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16. Which of the following represents the condition seen in the family Compositae (Asteraceae)?
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17. In Gramineae, the perianth is represented by small scaly Lodicules which are generally
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19. Tetradynamous condition of androecium is one of the striking features of :
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20. Largest family of flowering plants is
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21. In Brassica, the placentation is :
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22. Tetramerous flowers are seen in the gamopetalous family of:
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23. In China rose, the inflorescence is
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24. In which of the following families, the calyx is modified into a pappus?
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25. The condition of stamens in the cotton flower is :
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26. A weed belonging to family Asteraceae which has spread in all parts of India is
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27. Scientific name of wheat
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28. A diagnostic trait for identification of fabaceous flower is
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29. Find out the false statement with regards to Composita (Asteraceae) :
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31. Mark the correct statement for Gramineae
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32. The most cultivated crop in India among cereals
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33. In Papilionaceae the placentation is :
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34. Millets are a highly varied group of small-seeded grasses, widely grown around the world as cereal crops or grains for fodder and human food. Millets belong to
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35. Gene responsible for dwarfness in wheat is ....
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36. Epigynous, gamopetalous family is :
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37. The typical formula for Gramineae is
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39. Fruit of the family Malvaceae
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40. Fruit type of wheat grain is –
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41. Tetradynamous androecium characteristic of Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) consists of :
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42. A family delimited by type of inflorescence is
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43. 1. d and e Represent floral Diagrams of .....A....2. Pappus is a modification of.....B.....3.Flower is ........C.....
A- Disc and Ray Florets of Sunflower, B-Calyx, C-Epigynous
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44. Sometime------- of sunflowers do not have male and female reproductive organs. That’s why they are known as neuters.
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46. The largest family among the dicotyledons given below is :
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47. Pulses are group of plants belonging to the family :
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48. Cotton belongs to the family.
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49. In the members of family malvaceae, anthers are described as
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50. Plant collected on a botanical excursion had free-lateral stipules, monoadelphous stamens, pentafid stigma and mucilage, it belonged to the family
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