NCERT-Biogas is a mixture of gases (containing predominantly methane) producedby the microbial activity and which may be used as fuel.

NCERT-Biogas is a mixture of gases (containing predominantly methane) producedby the microbial activity and which may be used as fuel.

Biogas Plant Flow Diagram with Explanations

Biogas Plant Flow Diagram with Explanations

Process Steps:

  1. Feedstock Preparation:
    • Input: Organic matter like manure, agricultural waste, food scraps, etc.
    • Physics/Chemistry: Size reduction through grinding or chopping increases surface area for efficient microbial digestion. High moisture content (60-80%) is optimal for microbial activity.
    • Biology: No specific biological activity occurs at this stage.
  2. Hydrolysis:
    • Chamber: Hydrolysis Tank
    • Input: Pre-treated organic matter
    • Process: Complex organic molecules (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) are broken down into simpler forms like sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids by extracellular enzymes secreted by bacteria.
    • Biology: Primarily involves hydrolytic bacteria like Clostridium, Cellulomonas, etc.
    • Chemistry: Hydrolysis reactions involve breaking covalent bonds in organic molecules using water.
  3. Acidogenesis:
    • Chamber: Acidogenesis Tank (may be combined with hydrolysis tank)
    • Input: Products of hydrolysis (sugars, amino acids, fatty acids)
    • Process: Acidogenic bacteria convert the simpler organic molecules into volatile fatty acids (VFAs) like acetic acid, butyric acid, and propionic acid, along with hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and ammonia.
    • Biology: Acidogenic bacteria like Clostridium, Enterobacter, etc. are involved.
    • Chemistry: Fermentation reactions are responsible for the conversion of organic molecules to VFAs, gases, and other products.
  4. Acetogenesis:
    • Chamber: Acetogenesis Tank (may be combined with acidogenesis tank)
    • Input: VFAs, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide from acidogenesis
    • Process: Acetogenic bacteria convert VFAs, primarily acetic acid, into acetate, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide.
    • Biology: Acetogenic bacteria like Acetobacterium, Moorella, etc. are involved.
    • Chemistry: Fermentation reactions convert VFAs to acetate, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide.
  5. Methanogenesis:
    • Chamber: Methanogenesis Tank
    • Input: Acetate, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide from acetogenesis
    • Process: Methanogenic archaea convert acetate and hydrogen into methane (CH4), the primary component of biogas, and carbon dioxide (CO2).
    • Biology: Methanogenic archaea like Methanosarcina, Methanobacterium, etc. are responsible.
    • Chemistry: Methanogenesis involves complex biochemical reactions utilizing enzymes like hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis or acetoclastic methanogenesis.
  6. Gas Separation and Storage:
    • Process: Biogas is separated from the digestate (remaining liquid effluent) and stored in a gas holder for use as fuel or energy generation.
    • Chemistry: Biogas composition typically includes 50-70% methane, 20-30% carbon dioxide, 1-5% hydrogen sulfide, and other trace gases.

Additional Notes:

  • The chambers may be combined or configured differently depending on specific plant design and desired biogas composition.
  • Maintaining optimal temperature (35-55°C), pH (6.5-7.5), and nutrient balance is crucial for efficient microbial activity and biogas production.
  • Biogas utilization offers environmental benefits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing a renewable energy source.
|     Feedstock     |
| (Organic Matter)  |
|  Pre-treatment    |
| (Grinding, Chipping)|
|  Hydrolysis Tank  |
| (Bacteria breakdown |
| complex molecules)|
|  Acidogenesis Tank |
| (Bacteria produce  |
| VFAs, H2, CO2)    |
| Acetogenesis Tank |
| (Bacteria convert |
| VFAs to acetate) |
| Methanogenesis Tank |
| (Archaea produce   |
| CH4, CO2)          |
|   Gas Separation   |
|     and Storage    |
|   Biogas (CH4, CO2, |
|   H2S, etc.)       |
| Energy Generation  |
| or Fuel Application|

Additional Notes:
1. Pre-treatment involves size reduction through grinding or chopping to increase surface area for efficient microbial digestion. It also optimizes moisture content (60-80%) for microbial activity.
2. Hydrolysis: Complex organic molecules are broken down into simpler forms like sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids by extracellular enzymes secreted by bacteria.
3. Acidogenesis: Acidogenic bacteria convert the simpler organic molecules into volatile fatty acids (VFAs) like acetic acid, butyric acid, and propionic acid, along with hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and ammonia.
4. Acetogenesis: Acetogenic bacteria convert VFAs, primarily acetic acid, into acetate, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide.
5. Methanogenesis: Methanogenic archaea convert acetate and hydrogen into methane (CH4), the primary component of biogas, and carbon dioxide (CO2).
6. Gas Separation and Storage: Biogas is separated from the digestate (remaining liquid effluent) and stored in a gas holder for use as fuel or energy generation.

Chemical Reactions for Biogas Production

Biogas production involves a series of biological and chemical processes that break down organic matter into methane (CH4), the primary component of biogas.

Stages and Reactions

  • Hydrolysis:
    • Process: Complex organic molecules (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) are broken down into simpler forms like sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids by extracellular enzymes secreted by bacteria.
    • Example reactions:
      • Proteins + H2O -> Amino acids
      • Carbohydrates + H2O -> Sugars
      • Fats + H2O -> Fatty acids
  • Acidogenesis:
    • Process: Acidogenic bacteria convert the simpler organic molecules into volatile fatty acids (VFAs) like acetic acid, butyric acid, and propionic acid, along with hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and ammonia.
    • Example reaction: Glucose -> Lactic acid + H2 + CO2
  • Acetogenesis:
    • Process: Acetogenic bacteria convert VFAs, primarily acetic acid, into acetate, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide.
    • Example reaction: 2 CH3COOH (Acetic Acid) -> 2 CH3COO (Acetate) + 2 H+ + CO2
  • Methanogenesis:
    • Process: Methanogenic archaea convert acetate and hydrogen into methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
    • Example reactions:
      • 4 H2 + CO2 -> CH4 + 2 H2O (Hydrogenotrophic)
      • CH3COO + H+ -> CH4 + CO2 (Acetoclastic)

Overall Reaction (Simplified): Organic Matter + H2O -> CH4 + CO2 + NH3 + Other Byproducts

Note: This is a simplified representation, and the actual process involves multiple steps and diverse microbial interactions.

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